Podmaster Paul

Hello, my name is Podmaster Paul, and I am master of the craft, guiding and empowering podcasters to succeed

How to podcast with a host


When you do a podcast with a host, you make audio content with at least one other person. This can give your show more variety, energy, and a different point of view. A co-host can be very helpful because they can give you different perspectives and ideas that can make your show more interesting and fun to watch. In this guide, we’ll talk about the pros of co-hosting a podcast and the steps you can take to make a successful show.

How to Podcast with a Host: A Beginner’s Guide

Set the podcast’s subject and format.

The first step to making a successful podcast with a co-host is to decide what the show will be about and how it will be set up. Here are some key things to think about:

Finding your niche and target audience: Before you start recording, you need to know who your show is for and what topics will interest them. Think about your own skills and interests, and find out what other podcasts are out there in your niche.

Choosing how your show will be put together: How you work with your co-host and what you talk about will depend on how your show is set up. Will it be like a conversation, or will you be interviewing people? Will you have a planned show or one that doesn’t have a plan?

How to decide how long your episodes should be: The length of your episodes will depend on how your show is set up and what your audience wants. Think about how much information you need to cover, how often you’ll release new episodes, and how long people will pay attention.

If you take the time to carefully choose your topic and format, you can make a show that your audience will enjoy and that will help you succeed.

Pick a setup for recording.

Once you know how your show will be set up and what it will be about, you can choose a recording setup. Here are some key things to think about:

Choosing recording gear that fits your needs and your budget: There are many different kinds of recording equipment, from simple setups that use your phone to professional-grade gear. Think about your budget and the needs of your show, like how many microphones you’ll need, whether you’ll be recording in person or from a distance, and the sound quality you want.

Tools and software you need for recording: In addition to your recording gear, you’ll also need software to record and edit your show. Audacity, Adobe Audition, and GarageBand are all popular choices. You should also think about remote recording tools like Zencastr or SquadCast if you want to record your co-host from afar.

By choosing the right setup for recording, you can make sure that your show sounds great and that your workflow is quick and easy.

Look for a co-host

Finding the right co-host is one of the most important parts of making a successful podcast. Here are some steps you can take to find a co-host:

Finding possible co-hosts who share your goals and interests: Look for someone who cares about the same things you do and has the same vision for the show as you do. Think about your personal network, social media, and online communities that have something to do with the niche of your podcast.

Tips for picking the right co-host: When picking a co-host, think about how well they communicate, how much they know about the show’s topic, and how often they can record. It’s also important to pick someone whose personality and way of talking fits with yours.

How to handle the relationships between co-hosts: It’s important to set clear roles, responsibilities, and expectations for communication, scheduling, and getting ready for the show. Setting up rules and procedures can help you and your co-host work well together and make good content.

You can make a dynamic and interesting podcast that sticks with your audience if you find the right co-host and set clear rules for working together.

Prepare Your Content

Once you’ve decided on your show’s topic, format, and co-host, it’s time to prepare your content. Here are some key things to think about:

Making an outline or script: An outline or script can help you and your co-host stay on track and make sure you cover everything you need to. It can also help you get your ideas in order and make sure your show flows well.

Putting your episodes together: Depending on the format of your show, you may want to put your episodes together in a certain way. For example, you might want to have a beginning, a few parts or topics, and an end. Think about the best way to organize your show and how to keep it interesting for your listeners.

Tips for keeping your audience interested: You can keep your audience interested in many ways, such as by using humor, asking questions, or asking for feedback. Think about what strategies make sense for your show and how you can make your listeners feel like they are part of a group.

By putting thought into your content, you can make a show that is both informative and interesting, which will keep people coming back for more.

Record your podcast and change it.

Now that you’ve planned out your podcast’s content, it’s time to record and edit it. Here are some key steps:

Setting up your recording gear: Set up your recording gear, whether it’s a microphone, a mixer, or a digital recorder. Make sure your equipment is in good shape and that the place where you are recording is quiet and free of distractions.

Tips for recording high-quality audio: Make sure you and your co-host speak clearly and loudly enough for your microphone to pick up. Use a pop filter to cut down on background noise and make sure you don’t get interrupted while recording.

Editing and improving your audio files: Once you’ve recorded your podcast, you can edit it to fix any mistakes, add music or sound effects, and make other changes. You can edit your audio files with programs like Audacity or Adobe Audition. You can also add intros, outros, and music to improve the quality of your show as a whole.

By taking the time to carefully record and edit your podcast, you can make a polished show that your listeners will like.

Put out your podcast and advertise it.

After you’ve recorded and edited your podcast, it’s time to get it out there and let your target audience know about it. Here are some key steps:

Adding your podcast to directories: Add your podcast to popular directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts. This will help more people hear your show and make it easier for people to find it and sign up for it.

Making sure your show has a strong online presence: Make a website or social media accounts for your podcast and talk with your listeners there. You can use these channels to promote new episodes, share content from behind the scenes, and build a community of listeners around your show.

Promoting your podcast to your target audience: Think about advertising it on social media, reaching out to relevant influencers or bloggers, and making guest appearances on other podcasts in your niche. You can also ask your listeners to tell their friends and family about your show and to rate and review it on sites like Apple Podcasts.

If you do a good job of promoting your podcast, you can build a strong audience and make a show that has an impact on your listeners.

How to Podcast with a Host: A Beginner’s Guide


In conclusion, podcasting with a co-host can be a fun and rewarding way to share your passion with a wider audience. You can make a successful podcast that people want to listen to by deciding on a topic and format, choosing the right recording setup and co-host, creating interesting content, and publishing and promoting your show well.

To sum up, the most important parts of this guide are:

Choosing the subject and format of your show
Choosing the right set-up and software for recording
Choosing the right co-host and making clear rules are important.
Creating interesting content that speaks to your audience
How to record and edit your podcast well
Putting out your podcast and letting people know about it
We recommend that you start a podcast with a co-host and use this guide as a tool to help you make a show that reflects your unique ideas and voice. With time, work, and persistence, you can build a successful podcast that has a real effect on your listeners.

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